Mosaic Lady asked the Food Lady if she would help her with a new web site way back in early November, and it made its debut on May 1. (I do not mean to imply that the Ladies are slow because they hauled tooshie once they officially began the design. It just took a while to germinate.)
If you haven't seen it yet, please make ML's day by GOING OVER THERE - CLICK RIGHT HERE so she can pretend that her traffic is way high. (It would also be very nice of you to let the Food Lady know what you think of her work!)
I think the slide show ROCKS!
ML has been very busy (with her OCD) getting everything she needs to do a bunch of shows between now and the end of the year. (Obviously she has not been busy helping us blog.) Here was her very first show two weekends ago.
My geegaw masterpieces were very, VERY popular, of course.
This one reminds me of someperson who shall remain
NO, it is NOT always Wine O'Clock just because you set the little watch hands at 5:00!
Do not believe my Godmother if she tries to tell you that the photo of ML and Mosaic Dawg on the new web page is TWENTY years old! It is not even half that! Barely.
Mosaic Dawg hardly looks any different at all.