Our (so-called) "employer"

Our (so-called) "employer"

Monday, November 4, 2013

Manic Mosaic Monday!

Happy Manic Monday, Kitties!
I am flooded with inspiration. The Mosaic Lady Muse is a harsh Mistress!
I do not know which of my top ten projects to begin with this week!

Perhaps some yoga stretches will clear my fuzzy mind.
Upward-Facing Cat.

Followed by a moment of silent, centering contemplation.

I think I will start with my donation frame for Brother Wolf Animal Rescue's silent auction at their NewYear's Eve Furball!
I had so much fun a few years ago when I created this one for a Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue silent auction. (Of course Little Bitsy's Mom placed the winning bid!)

It would be nice if Mosaic Lady would favor me with her company, Kitties. 
Even though I am the brains and creativity behind this operation, I am not the thumbs.

1 comment:

World of Animals, Inc said...

It sounds like you have a lot of projects to do. The yoga stretches look like they will help. Thanks for sharing the great photos. Have a fun time with you new projects.
World of Animals