Here is a very special word: Palindrome. I learned it on Patrick Sullivan's blog during the Democratic primary nightmare. It means a word, verse, sentence or number that is the same both backwards and forwards. (I think it should also include the Zoolatry human's portrait of me above, too.)
So one night I was watching the blah blah cable potato heads and that thing they call the screen crawler said: DISTRACTION?

One of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives —
The other two are ego and superego. I wonder where the alter ego is?
OK, Kitties, now you know I spend a lot of time watching tee vee and there are a lot of stupid persons on tee vee. And they say a lot of stupid words, stupidly. Of course this list is nowhere close to all inclusive* but I have to start somewhere. Today I am going to share my top four words that are pronounced the most stupidest.
1) EX-specially
I ESpecially miss going outside alone because I love to climb trees.
This one really hurts my furs when I hear it! And I hear it a lot!
VUL-nerable, Kitties! And it is said just like it looks.
Willie and Bianca should feel very VULnerable because they are in my workspace!
This one really rankles me, Kitties. (Rankles is a good word!)
It has nothing to do with time! (Don't be confused by the heart clock above.) Valentine is the name of several martyred saints of ancient Rome and you know they were not stupid so persons need to GET THIS RIGHT!

Ack, Kitties, ACK!
You can say Irrespective, or Regardless, but you can not say IRREGARDLESS.
Don't your furs just ache when you hear some person say that? Mine sure do.
I am going to open this box of gift cards IRRESPECTIVE of who Mosaic Lady bought it for.
So there you go, Kitties. Get out there and help those stupid persons learn to say words correctly. If there is one thing I know, it is that stupid persons love it when you correct them!
*I belive Ax for Ask goes without mentioning, don't you, Kitties?