I got a Forever Home yesterday! An application was submitted on Tuesday and Mosaic Lady got the call yesterday that it was approved! My new home is going to be
A show of paws from those of you who saw this coming from Day One?
Thanks for your confidence!
1) At first, I led Mosaic Lady to believe that I was so well-adjusted, flexible and sweet that any number of possible living situations would make great forever homes for me. As soon as I saw that she wrote that on my first Petfinder bio, I immediately became the Wild Mini House Panther you know and love. Soon after, she started calling me her "special needs foster kitty". With each passing week, she became more concerned that my options for happy homes were narrowing. By Tuesday of this week, she figured I'd end up coming back to her anyway because I'm so wild, so why not save us all the stress and just keep me now!
2) I started sleeping on her bed all night, all through the night, on the second night.
3) I started channeling Walter. I try to do about 87 things in a day that only Walter did. It's no coincidence that I have asked that my arrival day here of 8/9/07 be proclaimed both my Gotcha Day and my first birthday. My spay paperwork says "approx 1 yr old", and Walter would've been 11 on 8/11. I am proud to carry on his Leo energy in the family!
ML foolishly believes that if I can go outside for a bit (off the harness!) and blow off some of my bottomless energy, I will not pick on Sadie and Bianca so mercilessly inside, nor will I bounce off her walls, jump up on every counter, stove, and table, race across her laptop keyboard, and break so much stuff. HA! Wait till she gets a load of me treeing Sadie, or trapping her under one of the decks, or chasing Willie off of his hot tub perch. HA!
I knew I'd sealed the deal when I heard Mosaic Lady tell the Prez of TAAG how entertaining I am for her: "The house was like a morgue after Walter died." Sure, Mosaic Cats are nice and quiet and obedient. Kitties! Nice and quiet and obedient is BORING AS DOGGIE DOODIE!!!!
A show of paws from those of you who think I'll turn into such a blog hog that soon I'll have my OWN blog?
Wow! All of you?
Thanks for your confidence!
Annie's Antics? Annie the Anarchist? Annie the Antichrist? Annie Bananaie's Amusing Blog Stylings?
Maybe I'll have a Name My Own Blog contest...maybe I'll do a T13 about my many entertaining ways...maybe I'll demand that we learn Photoshop... and publish my blog in two languages, like Adan! The Cat Blog Sphere is my
(A special note of THANKS to my Evil Joy Fairy Godmother (TM), who begged ML from the start to give up the ill-fated "fostering" notion and just adopt me. She was smart enough to give me the time I needed to implement my Worming My Way In (TM) Strategy. This allowed Mosaic Lady to labor under the silly delusion that she was in control and making her own decisions. HA!)
Way to go Annie. WE saw it coming from way back. We just knew under our furrs that you had found your forever home, and you and I are nearly sister-in-laws, since Willie and I are special furfriends...
**doing the happy dance***
The Divine Miss B
Yay Annie! :) I am so glad you are joining the Mosaic Cats permanently. :) :) :) I did have a feeling you might worm your way in.
Just be safe outside. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, okay?
Congratulations on finding your furrr-ever home. You had good plan for getting in there.
Well! I can't say I's too surprised. Poor Sadie! Teleport ofur here if you need some peace.
Sadie, Beau Beau is my twin bro! He's a month younger than me an borned in Conecticat insteada Whiskonsin, but my twin bro none-the-less. Parker could be our older twin sisfur!
Hang in there, my sweet! Don't let Annoyin Annie chase you! Here's a secrit: I'd top chasin Bonnie if she just turned an swatted me insteada runnin! Purrs, my lovely!
Annie, Annie Annie! I am so happy that the ML just came out and sealed the deal. One more lovely kitty who can thank her lucky stars.
One last thing sweetie...Please be careful outside!
Oh Annie, I certainly can't say I'm shocked, I KNEW you were in when you were snuggling on Walter's favorite sweatshirt. Yup.....things are as they should be. Congrats!!! We're all lucky to know you!
Oh, Annnnnn-nieeeee, I haf a pictor to show you! Click here!
Congratulations Annie, well done!!!
And I understand about the outside thing! I came to the staff at about 2 years old and had lived outside - I go raving mad and really turn up the volume if I can't go outside in the morning! But I try and be back every night. Sometimes earlier, because I like hanging out with the butler during the day!
Woohoo! Annie! Way to worm your way in! I am very proud of you and happy. I KNEW this might happen. But I got a little fright for a second when I read the first paragraph, until I saw who your new home was with. Congratulations, Annie. You are a foster no more!
Ahem, like who din't know dis was gonna happen? Welcome home Annie, now, if yoo stop chasing and make frends wif da other Mosaic, neffur mind.
Well Annie, I have to hand it to you - your plan was perfectly executed! Well done. The good thing about having a permanent home is that you can continue to be as naughty as possible and they will never get rid of you. Trust me, your humans need you more than you need them. So go ahead, get out those claws, fight with the other cats, trash the house! It is all in the name of good clean fun. mwa ha ha ha xxx Congratulations! x
Well done, Annie - but I want to see a comment from the Mosaic Cats to see how they feel about it! LOL
Way ta go! We're very happy for you!!! Now, if you would e-mail us (again-we lost it) your e-mail address, we'll send you another invitation to the House Panthers.
kch917 AT sbcglobal DOT net
Hey, Annie, congratulations! You sure are a panther, aren't you? You remind me of my panther cousin Sophie. Be sure you only go outside when your momma's home and come in and check with her often. Outside can be scary and it's good to come inside every couple of hours or so.
(Willie, Bianca, and Sadie--maybe you can find some nice quiet places in closets. It's nice there).
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Annie I am so glad!! Of courseMl would keep you.I may be biased, but who could not want a cute black cat!!(Welcome to da club)
Be careful outside.A harness is not so bad ,or a closed in area. You are to cute to loose.
Grate noos Annie. We had the feeling yoo'd be staying and we're glad we wuz rite.
HA!!! This is so not a surprise! I for one would be very unhappy not to see that sweet face again. Hooray! I look forward to many posts about darling Annie. And her own blog? Slammer!
Was there efur any ofur choice? We thot you were in before we saw dat you were a foster. We could FEEL it right from da beginning dat you were meant to be one of us famous blogging kitties. An yur right- being stuck inside is a boring as doggie doodie! I know. I'm stuck inside now from escaping da watchful- errr not so watchful -- eye of my daddy bean.
Way to go Annie! I'm with you on the whole outside on harness and hanging out with old cats--boring as doggie doodie. yes sir! you gotta be free, to do what you want, any old time-- as I say.
When I saw the news at the Cat Blogosphere, I was happy for you but really sad at the same time. Imagine my surprise when I got the news here - congratulations!!!
Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!!! *dancing with joy* We knew you'd stay with them...we love you and we so happy to hear that not only is da Mosaic Lady your new mommy BUT you are getting your own blog.
~Donny and Marie
Yay, Annie you get to stay with Mosaic Lady!! So glad your plan worked out!! Congratulations!
Your FL furiends,
yippie! i'm so very happy for you! what a great home and family. perfect strategy for worming your way in. Bendrix is awfully impressed too and that is saying a lot.
concatulations to you all! i think she made the right decision.
ps I have no doubt your own blog is right around the corner...
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