Perhaps you can relieve me of my burden.
I've tried to handle it myself, but it won't go away, or even ease up a bit...
Intruder Foster Demon.
Evil incarnate.
Mini house panther on the prowl, mercilessly hunting down her prey.
The tension so thick, Mosaic Dawg's mouth is forced shut.
Sadie is a mega-drama queen!
Does this look like the face of a demon seed kitty from hell?
perhaps it is because she hears a different birdie chirping.
Let her stalk to the chirping she hears,
no matter how annoying or irritating it seems.
~Henry Helton Thoreau
Sher and Upsie Darling are hosting WCB. Go see all the wonderful kitties (and ask them to help relieve me of my dark, oppressive burden!)
Oh my lovely Sadie Badie! Yur tryin so hard to get used to that cat. But I see SHE got the table corner in the end. OH NO!
Now I better unnerstand how Bonnie felted when I camed. I'd jump up where she was, an she'd growl an hiss an run off. I'd just shrug an stay. That's how I stoled the bean bed for nites. I didn't realize she wouldn't come back an I was takin ofur! Maybe Bonnie should haf a talk wif yur intruder.
I am kinda scairt of that kitty. I think he could be a demon kitty. You just can't tell by lookin' at them.
Awwww, Sadie... I have to say, both you and Annie are such beautiful kitties! It looks like you two might have a bit of an initial purrsonality clash -- when I first came, I had a similar clash with Dorydoo, who could be Annie's Twin. Like you, Sadie, I am an older girlcat, more settled, and Dorydoo is a young, spazzy girlcat! We didn't fight, but we just didn't connect very well. But over time, she and I have gotten to be better friends, and the last few days, she's been giving me headbutts and I have been giving her ear kisses.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
It is always hard being at a new place and making friends. It is good that you have somewhere high and safe to sit.
Oh, this is such a dilemma! I do not know who's side to take. Poor Sadie, trying to get used to Annie. And little Annie, trying to find her place with the family. I think you will both become best of friends soon. Right?
Speedy sez he's available to mediate. He gots our Sadie and Zippy to be a little frendlier. At least dey don't fight, just a little hissing on okajun. It took almost a year but it has gotten better.
We are so sorry you are not getting along! Being new to the house maybe she is trying to hard! We hope you become friends.
Your FL furiends, It is a problem. You know what, it takes an evil hunter cat to know an evil hunter cat. That cat is evil!!! I tell you! She should come and live with me, we could terrorise the neighbours together! x
Sadie, good mews! I read a comment Annie left at Marilyn's blog, an I fink she's goin to anofur doption fair at PetSmart today! That's zactly how I founded mine Mom. I'll keep my fingers... toes... paws crossed for Annie to find her OWN home.
Purrs an nosekisses, yur devoted Victor
LOL!!! That's so funny! I'm afraid Sadie looks too adorable to be Satan's Spawn. But, I can see how her cocky attitude would rankle. She needs to know her place!!! But, I think she sees her place as the head of the line!
Sadie, I am so with you. I keep getting picked on by Donny for a fight when I'm just mindin' my own business. I do not think you are a drama queen.
Poor Sadie - kitties can be forces of nature thrown upon you without warning! If you are able to endure them, they might become very nice playmates, though!
Nevertheless, I decided to come out of hiding and it is good to see you again!
Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it!
Have a wonderful weekend, your friend Karl
She looks just likes Hunter, we thinks that is a very cute kitty...not evils...we promise!
Ps. Did we tells you about the story our Momma wrote for HRH Yao-lin? Its on our bloggie, its 3 parts, buts its pretty cool!
Awwww - Annie's so pretty! She doesn't look evil at all! And Sadie's such a fluffy beauty, even if she is a drama queen!
The pictures tell the story, I must say. Gosh, I hope this one has a happy ending for all concerned!
Oh Sadie, I'm sorry that you feel an intruder has come into your home. I hope the two of you are able to get along and maybe even become friends.
Oah Sadie, I hope you good be very good friends soon.
Oh, geez, Sadie, I know what you mean. Those girl panthers can really look like demons. But she might be okay once you start playin' with her. Or, of course, you could just ignore her. This is called "denial." It's very useful, I've been told.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
My Dear Sadie Badie,
I'm so sorry to hear Annie wasn't dopted away! Pleeze come bisit wif me anytime you like an we'll snuggle, chase toys on the stairs, and maybe togefur, we can conquer the spinner toy! The beans are away for the afternoon, so it'll be just us. Well, Bonnie's here, but she'll hiss an run.
Your Devoted Victor
Dear Sadie,
I believe we got off on the wrong paw. We have a lot in common, actually. We're girl tabbies who rule our homes and are annoyed by younger invaders. Perhaps a truce is in order? I offer you a tip... don't hide out and sulk too much or you'll be taken to the evil vet! You can express your upset, but no hunger strike; it won't work.
I appreciate you distracting Victor from attacking me all the time and I understand what you are going through. If not furiends, can we at least be allies?
Awwwww, I hope a truce is called and that Annie can find her spot in your home!
Sadie's a real beauty with her fluffy fur and magnificent eyes! Annie is a superb panther. Very slender and sweet looking!
I hope you get in good terms very soon...
That is a good story! I like house panthers.
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