I surmise this because his toes and tail are uncharacteristically, and relatively, clean.
I am pretty sure his yellowish butt fur stain is permanent.
Sort of like his own special tattoo.
Poo Tattoo.
Wasn't that a Stones album?
No, that was Tattoo Poo.
Where is Yao-Lin when I need him to snigger at my jokes?
tattoo poo.....mol
Smudge has a yellow smudge on his butt, however his paws are supah-huge!
Smudge don't mind, why should you!
Haha, poo tattoo. I bet when he sheds it will go away...maybe not though.
Poo tattoo! HAHAHA! Too Funny!
heee heee poo tattoo!!
Oh Smudge...they are laughing at you. It's hard to be a white cat and stay clean. I am glad I am a tabby!
Poor Smudge, I do not think your poo tattoo was what they had in mind when you were named Smudge! Do not worry, you have big mancat paws. And you look very sweet and lovable. That makes up for the poo issues, right?
My sisfur has a poo problem too...she always has cling-ons. Her furr is very thick and since she has no tail she can't get rid of the grand poopahs like we tailed kitties. And she refuses to let Momma help her...and she can't get it herself, so she goes around with cling-ons most of the time...
The Divine Miss B
The moral of the story, be proud of your poo tattoo
I'm glad he's doing well where he is. (You said he was with the TAAG pres.) Maybe the poo stain will go away, if that problem ever stops.
Aw, Smudge ... I'm just going to say nice things: You're cute. You have pretty white (mostly) furs. You look very comfy. :)
heheehe oh I am sniggering alright..Baby mao has a very similar ' tattoo' on his bum..hmm..I must try and get some photos..on second thoughts, I have no desire to get that close.
Excellent post hehe he
Smudge has really pink paw pads! I am impressed.
Aw, poor li'l guy. Poo tattoos are not exactly coolsville, if you know what I mean. Good think he's cute.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Smudge was such a cutie,well,except for the Tatoo Poo hahaha!(Good one!)
Hope the little guy gets a good home.
Your place ,like mine,is surrounded by trees ,space and nature.Yeah it's good ;)
Ohhh *shudder*. Dat poo stain could be frum da dyes dat dey put in some of dem foods. All his ofur pretty white furs make up for a little telltale coloring. Dat's him's signature mark. What a beautiful cat him is.
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