Our (so-called) "employer"

Our (so-called) "employer"

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Le Voyeur


Daisy said...

Annie, you look gorgeous sitting on that rock in the sun. Your furs are very sleek. Good thing you spotted that voyeur!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

oooh lala! si agréable pour regarder des choses intéressantes

Okay, so mom helped with that.

Happy day Annie

Fat Eric said...

Evil Intruder Alert! Maybe he has heard your mum adopts kitties and he wants to come and live with you! Tell him you already have enough kitties!

Lux said...

Annie, your furs are so glossy and beautiful! I think that intruder was admiring you!

The Cat Realm said...

Great story!!!!

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - we is jealous that you can gits outside!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Is dat Willie or Bianca in the woods? If not, that cat is NOT movin in! You hear me? Sadie has enuf comPETition already.
Sadie, I's a furry clean boy, cept I come upstairs wif a "litter nose" sumtimes. Can I help it if my nose is wet an the litter sticks?

Tell little Smudge that two of the three bafs I's had were fur unidentified blotches. Like, Mom didn't want to identify them! Da firstest baf was cuz I spilled chocolate milk on meself. Mom wouldn't LET me clean that up myself! Geesch, Moms can be so silly. Purrs and nosekisses fur my Sweet Lady Sadie Badie!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oooooh Annie... stop your bean from making all these beautiful photos that makes us want to do more "boootiful" (we thinks) art of you... go clean up the poo-poo instead...

Mickey's Musings said...

You look nice sunning yourself ;)
Hope the voyeur was a "friendly"

Anonymous said...

OH look at the watcher! I see you finally!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a fun adventure.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Why was Willie watching you? Does he do that offen? Cuz, Sadie likes to hide unner da koffee tabul and watch us too...we think she's weerd.

Parker said...

Hey....who is that watching you????

Black Cat said...

You look so beautiful with your shiny furs Annie, stalking the watcher:) xxx