Even though I've just come in the back door, I must exit immediately out the front.
(HINT: Smudge is the white, poo-challenged foster kitty ON the couch, NOT the dawg, who is Leah. For some reason, our post confused many readers. We are sure it is NOT the crappy photography. However, the dawg DID leave a huge, stinky poo puddle in the living room last night, so maybe the readers are not confused, but prescient?
Psychic Poo Detectives coming to Animal Planet next fall!)
Poor little Smudge! I'll bet he's a real sweetheart kitty too!
Must be a kitty thing.He'll hopefully get the hang of grooming. Proper behavior for a cat to come in 1 door and immediately go out another!
Smudge is the dog, right?
So of course he stinks!
Yep, get out of there Willie!
Oh Willie, yoo and Zippy would get along just grate...in da back, out da front, in da front, out da back...all evening! Poor Smudge, I bet he always wants to be snuggled too. The stinky one's always want to be near yoo.
Poor Smudge. I can sympathize. I'm really smelly after I use the litterbox right now, and my humans usually need to wipe my behind.
Willie is bein Groucho Marx! Hooray for Captn Spaulding, the African asplorer.
Poor Smudge! He can't help it. Poor Willie! Driven out of his home.
Poor Sadie! You's not efun in the pictor! My poor sweetheart! Come snuggle wif me anytime. I don't stink (usually).
Poor little Smudge has no idea he has a little smell about him! I think I would exit the room, too. Immediately.
Ah yes...kitten stench. So so sorry for that "fun".
Smudgie, everyone knows that the best cats stink of poo, ok??
If it's not go in one door and owt da ofur, it's go owt one door around da howse and in da ofur. Dat's jus da way of us cats. Did yur smells come off?
hehehe, I'm sorry Smudgie stinks of poo! And yup, we saw the bee-yootiful pickshure of Brainball on Zoolatry -- Maggy and Zoey sent it to us and we're gonna post it on our bloggie along with a photo they did of me! they are so furry tallented -- Momma loved those pickshures so much that her eyes got leaky.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Dawgs just don't know about "cover the poo". They could take some lessons from us kitties about how to deal with stinky poo. Poor Sumdgie he may be poo-challenged but he sure is cute.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Oh, poor Smudge! To be poo-challenged!
(I might exit also, if only anyone would let me outside.)
Oh dear me, it is a real stinker of a situation at your house Mosaic Cats!
Is it ever going to get back to normal at your casa? I want to come for a visit, but i don't want to be an intruder or an impossition on your hospitality:)
Love us out here in the desert
The humans in your house must be working full time keeping all that poo under control. FAZ
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