Before Mosaic Lady was even out of bed, I knocked one of my (and her) favorite angel magnets off of the fridge (by climbing on top of the fridge), and broke its wing.
I also enjoyed my nightly ritual of strewing bubble wrap all over the guest room floor.
Good times.
She has no sense of placement.
So I went back into the studio to continue working on a very avant-garde art project of my own.
Willie was staggering in his hind legs on Friday, and acting like a super-geezer the last few months, so he went to the fur doctor for tests. He is hyperthyroid now, just like Bianca! Both of them are now on thyroid meds.
This is turning into a geriatric ward for sure.
We'd better foster some kittens after New Year's to entertain me. (Sadie, as you know, is useless to me.)
I'm off to the mud room to knock down the stacks of empty boxes destined for recycling.
Wow, Annie, you are quite the artiste! Nice job. :)
You are so artistic, Annie! Tell ML that a compounding pharmacy can make liquid thyroid medicines in yummy flavors. My cousin Oreo, who is 19 1/2 years old, has taken thyroid medicine for years, and Granny gets it made in triple-fish flavor and gives it to her in a squirty. That makes it kinda fun.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Ah, Annie, good times indeed!
Deer Sandy Claws,
Puleese bring Mosaic Annie sum toy mousies rite away to keep her busy an not buggin my lovely Sadie Badie.
Purrs an ankle rubs,
Victor Tabbycat
Annie, you are artistically inclined - and a little busy too!
Behave yourself Annie, or I'm going to have Kamikaze give you a smack! I think ML should attach dusters to your paws so you can clean while your running around.
That sounds like a fun day. Can I come join you? I love tearing things apart with another cat--then it's harder to yell at TWO.
Hee hee HEE!!! Annie, you rock! Can I come over and help? You look like you're having so much fun!
Love and cuddles from your sister house panther,
Ooh that looks like fun. Can I join yoo? I won't be boring!
Bizzy showin' off yur stuff for Santa it looks like. Maybe Santa will bring yoo some ofur stuff to keep yoo bizzy.
Annie, I fully understand your dilemma and your actions. The dangers of a bored kitty can never be overemphasized, therefore, at all costs, humans and other breathing creatures must realize that their A #1 priority is to ENTERTAIN THE KITTY!!
Don't I remind you of Farrah Fawcett when she paints?
No. Cause you're better. LOL
Good work today, Annie. Keep it up ;-)
That is very beautiful~!!!
Even raining you are still busy~!!!
Oh Annie,you do such nice work with your teeth!! That looks like such fun. I have only trided newspaper. I must expand my horizions :)
Wow, you do get very busy when you are bored! I usually fall asleep when I get bored. I do like your new art project!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Mom was bizzy all day so we just did stuff like knock down all da mail dad had on da table, pulled da little Krissmouse tree off da table in da liffing room and left hairballs all was a furry bizzy day fur us too.
This is some really good artwork. I haven't done an art project in a while, I should work on that...
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