Bianca was rescued back in 1992. She was a teeny tiny lost kitten wandering in the parking lot of a market in Paso Robles, California. A very nice woman from a very famous California family dynasty whose last name begins with "H" rescued her. (No, not Hilton, but you're very close!) The nice lady is a fur lover times 10 and shared her life with many cats and always traveled with a mini-Schnauzer named Musetta back then. She was also a very frequent guest at The Cypress Inn, Doris Day's Pets Welcome hotel in Carmel-by-the-Sea. (See, Miss Peach! We told you that you'd like this story!) Mosaic Lady was working at the Cypress Inn back in late summer of 1992 when Mrs. H. checked in with tiny Bianca, who she'd already named. (You didn't think this was OUR name, did you??)
Mosaic Lady would check on the kitten whenever Mrs. H. would go out shopping or dining and the next thing we knew...Mrs. H. was asking her to foster the kitten for just a small amount of time while she went to Italy for the month of October. Well, once ML brought Bianca home and got a look at her next to me (I was only 9 months old myself and had only been with ML and crabby Gracie for six months), you can guess the rest, right? Our landlords were not happy with us. And then we found Fred, our guinea pig, and they really hated us, but that's another story for another day. I will tell you that Bianca would sleep in Fred's cage with him and one day when we can get to our old photos we will prove it to you.

Gracie became Bianca's mother and I, her big brother. Bianca has always been the most low maintenance of all of us cats -- the background kitty -- the quiet kitty who demands little. (Except when she's in the car. Then she is the LOUDEST of all kitties.)

Right after we moved to North Carolina early this year, Bianca started to get very sick with her hyperthyroid symptoms. Gracie died of the heart disease associated with this so we all knew the signs. (Doesn't Gracie look like a big Sadie?!) Fortunately, the goop that Bianca takes in her ears is working very well, so that is good. And her heart is not damaged like Gracie's was when the disease was discovered. Even though Mosaic Lady would love to add some fresh fur to our family now that we are down to just three cats, she's being uncharacteristically deliberate and thoughtful about this issue. What we mean by that is that she has not gone out and picked a new fur (yet), even though she thinks of it every day and has a list of possible kitties to adopt! Bianca now sleeps with Mosaic Lady every night, and has taken over Walter's spot on the bed pillows during the day. This seems very important to Bianca, to reclaim her position in the family again. And so for right now, we are honoring that. And today we are honoring her.
We celebrate Bianca's birthday on August 3rd because it is also the birthday of Mosaic Lady's father, who art in heaven. It's really cool that it's on a Friday this year so that we can celebrate with all of our wonderful new friends at Weekend Cat Blogging, hosted this weekend by the very exotic boo_licious at masak-masak. They are in Malaysia! That is a long way from Carmel-by-the-Sea!!
Happy Birthday Bianca! Thanks for the insight on yr story from Willie. Carmel-by-the-Sea sounds very far for us too. If you do come Msia, come and visit her for lots of purrs and meows.
Happy Birthday Bianca! :) Willie, thank you for sharing Bianca's story with us. Bianca, I've very glad you were rescued and found a wonderful Forever Home! :)
Happy happy birthday to Bianca! She sure had a glamorous story about Mrs. H. I feel very happy that Bianca is sleeping on the bed and has reclaimed her position in the family. Good for you, girl!
I am going to have a drink (of water) in honor of Bianca's special day today.
Happy Birthday, Bianca!!!
Happy Birthday, Bianca!! That is a wonderful tribute to her for her 15th Birthday, Willie. So glad she has taken her place of honor back in the home!! Have a wonderful day!
Your FL furiends,
Sometimes, its best to be the top cat in bed!
Happiest of birthdays sweet Bianca!!
Happy Purrthday, Bianca!! Thanks for sharin' her story, Willie, we enjoyed it!!
Happy, happy purrthday Bianca. You're one lucky girl!
Happy Birthday, Bianca. I loved reading your story. I am very glad that you are back in your rightful place on the bed.
Happy birthday Bianca. I'm so glad that your life is more peaceful for you now. That is very important to know that you belong and that you not be bullied. Your Gotcha story makes you seem very special, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\sx (That was Sophie's contribution in adding to your birthday wishes,
Our uncle lives in Monterey. Momma loves the cool summers down there.
Ta ta for now, Ty
We tried to comment earlier but blogger crashed. We wanted to wish you a very happy birthday becasue you sound like a very special kitty. I'm so happy you're enjoying suggle time and the whole family. Cheers!
We came over to wish Bianca a very Happy Birthday and were so thrilled to read her story! It's terrific that she is back on the bed and we are sending over many peaceful purrs to you, Bianca, Birthday Girl!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Happy birthday Bianca!
Thank you for the story - it made me a bit said in between but I am glad that you sleep on the bed again!
And maybe your lady stays considerate for a while and just gives all her love to the three of you....
I enjoyed reading Bianca's story - Happy Birthday, Bianca!
Oh my dear girlfurrrrrend cat Bianca! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!! Happy Gotcha story too! It is so mice to get to know you better. You chose a purrrrfect famly to be patient in and now you are on the bed with ML! BRAVO!
Tell ML my mommy would like to have another furry thing in the house too. Well, actually a furless thing...she wants a Sphinx kitty. It was love at first sight after she held the first one. But I am putting my peachy paw down on this subject....that's why I call her the DREAMER lady:) She is just lucky I allowed her to bring home Amber this week!
So what are you gettin for your birthday? I would like to make you something special. Please send me your addy to my email kjacks2 AT charter DOT NET and tell me your favorite colors or combinations:)
We are both the same age now....that makes us extra special close:)
I will post a card for you later in the afternoon, so come over and have some catmint tea with me...
Good night now zzzzzzzzzZzzzzZZZZZ
Happy Birthday Bianca! Wow, that is my People's real name, too-she says Miss Bianca beings are very special, 'specially the ones born in August like her and you! I think she is pretty good:) From your story, I think you must be pretty good too!
Happy Purrfday, Bianca! And how great to learn more about you. And I'm so glad you're sleepin' on the bed with your Mosaic Lady!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
And thank you so furry much for your sweet words on my bloggie about my momma's attempt to rescue the feral kitties! Your words meant so much to her and to me, too!
Happy Purrfday Bianca. We're glad yoo got yer place back on the bed.
Hi guys, Anastasia here.
The Dare will be posted 9:30 am EST. And then it will be up for many days to come, so you can join in at any time!
A very happy birthday Bianca! Such cute kitties... Beautiful!
What a wonderful story! And Happy Birthday Bianca!!
Also what wonderful pictures you've put up.
Beautiful post. And Happy Birthday Bianca!
From all of us, a happy birthday, Bianca!
We're all so happy that Bianca's illness is under control.
We all wish Bianca a very, very happy Birthday!
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