Mosaic Lady met Dark Oak Woman, Molly, online recently, and must've mentioned Fred 'cuz Molly invited us to come see her blog last week. Look what we saw!

Ginger was adopted from a pet store where she was living (the kids who had her before got tired of her.) Molly's family adopted her so she could be a foster mom, or Auntie, to two little newborn pigs. Their mom, Luna, died right after giving birth and their Aunt Shimmer was also having a baby at the same time but she did not care for Luna's babies much at all. So now Ginger has three girls and two boys in her pig family. The girls share a cage and the boys have their own place across the living room, so no more babies! Phew.

We wonder if guinea pigs like sour blackberries? We sure pick a lot of them every day and saw a turtle gobbling some down yesterday in our yard. Molly has kindly offered to drop Shimmer off at our house during an upcoming trip to our 'hood, which is very nice and very tempting! We know Sadie would LOVE a little pig because she plays chase outside with all the baby bunnies who live around our yard. We know she really is playing with them and not hunting them because if her intention were to hunt them, there would be a big pile of bunny bodies at our back door by now. much as we would all love a guinea pig to join our family, we suspect that if it ever happens again it will be much like the first time when Mosaic Lady gets wind of a pig who needs rescuing (Yes, she's already been on Petfinder looking! Did you even really have to ask?) But until then, it's really fun for us to have made six special new friends not of our own species!
Thanks, Gingerbread!
(and Shimmer, Basil, Moonshine, Rainbow and Magic Panda!)
(And thanks to Karl at The Cat Realm for creating such a wonderful and kind-hearted DARE!)
Ginger is very cute and so are the other Guinea Pigs! Thank you for introducing us to them. Great job with the dare!
Oh my - Daisy will get a kick out of this new nomss friend! In a hat! And on a "good hair day" - I couldn't stop laughing...
What a wonderful nomss friend family you found, they are very adorable!
Thank you sooo much for accepting the dare, it is very wonderful for me to see all these new across-the-species-line friendships blossom!
Your friend Karl
WOWIE! Ginger sure has fabulous fashion sense. I never knew guinea pigs were so daring! She looks beautiful in the flower-hat. And flowery hats are the very latest fashion craze!
Thanks for introducing us to your new guinea pig friends. They are awfully cute. My Mommie told me she used to have a guinea pig when she was a lot younger.
Ginger is so cute! I loved her in her flower hat. I would also like to see pictures of Fred.
Pee Sss
When my Mum saw your comment on our blue material post she laffed and laffed and laffed all day. I was starting to get a little worried about all the crazy laughter.
We have 2 piggie girls right now. They are Emma Sue and Sasha. We had 8 pigs at one time (spread out into 4 cages). Mom rescues piggies too. They are ones that won't sell and get too big so they are put up for adoption or turned in because someone doesn't want it. Sasha was returned because the 2 kids at the house she went to played too rough with her and broke her leg! The Mom returned her because she didn't want to pay for a vet!! Petco sent her to their vet and then when she was better, adopeted her out. Our mom's a sucker for piggies.
Wow, Ginger seems like a great nomss friend. I am happy for you that you met her.
Ginger looks like such a lovey. It's great to meet such nice new friends.
Awww, how sweet to see her pics on your site! Did want you to know that we really have 4 dogs but I haven't changed it in my profile because I don't want my mom to know!*G*
Ginger is a sweet looking friend. Glad to meet her. She looks lovely in her hat!
Puurrrrs, Princess
Dat Ginger piggy is furry cute. Our ucle Gil useta haf ham-stirs. We met dem a cuppul of times. Dey weren't nearly as cute as Ginger.
Wowww, Ginger is so cute, she knows what fasion is~!!!! Amazing~!!!!
I love that picture of Ginger in the hat!!!
conCATulations on your new furry furrrends. Ginger sure has a cute hat! I could send her some of my gloves and Daisy must have an extra purse for Ginger in her stash!
Your story was touching about the last night you spent with your sweet little friend sleeping between so much love. Letting go is so hard...
I have made a real neat piece of ___________ for you in your favorite color combinations:)) Thats all I am saying so keep yourself in some suspense....
I have long meant to ask you something....I really love the mosaic kitty kat in your header:) I can bet a kitty like her would love to live with me in my shabby chic cottage out here. I could look at her each day as I while the days away out on my patio.....ahhh I am as much of a dreamer as my lady sometimes....
Good night nowzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ
Ginger is a sweet-looking guinea pig. My new NOMSS Friends are guinea pigs, too.
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