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Our (so-called) "employer"

Thursday, August 9, 2007

T13 - It's all about YOU

Call us intensity junkies if you must, but we like to be MOVED.
Moved to tears --
moved to gasp in awe --
moved to pants-wetting laughter!

We're addicted to brilliant cats, funny cats, creative cats, deep cats, philosopher cats, kind cats, snarky cats and nasty cats. Sometimes, the lucky cats, are all of those rolled into four paws!
We like RANGE. In cats, and in persons.

We are new kids on the blog block and have been MOVED by so many of your photos since we arrived. We were too lazy to grab the date-specific links to each photo, but we think they have all been posted after our blog launch date of July 13. (How is it possible it's not even been a month? We feel like we've blogged for all our lives!)

We're cheating and posting 14. There was just no way we were willing to leave out any one of these. Impossible. Sit back and enjoy some of our favorites so far. We are confident that they are some of yours, too!


The Blog of a Big Man Cat

Kellie the Orange Cat

Marie the Defender

Miss Peach's Meowz

The Ballicus Blog

The Cat Realm

Our life by Eric and Flynn

Daisy the Curly Cat

What a Good Cat

We Three, Ginger Cats Tales

The Meezer Mirror

Beezer Song

The Blog of a Big Man Cat, #2

We broke our No Duplicate Images From the Same Blog rule for this one. Sophie's VARY FIRST FASHUN SHOW FRIDAY!!! How could we NOT, kitties?

And because we could never, ever, single out just one photo from Skeezix's portfolio, (the exercise alone would turn Mosaic Lady into a slobbering idiot. Or a bigger slobbering idiot), we can say that this archived T13 post of Skeez's is probably the funniest thing we've read so far in the Cat Blog Sphere. And you get to see more great photos of YOU in his post! It totally made us want to be cats who blog!